
Monday, December 9, 2019

Check, check, check

I'm checking things off on my 
December to-do list and it feels good! 

On the sewing front, I cut out pieces for a little wool appliqué project to work on at next week's Woolies meeting. And I finished this sweet baby quilt and fabric bedtime book for a friend's first grandchild and got them off in the mail to Chicago!

For the Christmas cards, I wrote my annual letter and printed it off, gathered a selection of my photos to use on the cards, and got everything addressed and stamped tonight. I just have to write personal notes in the cards. A lot of people grumble about doing cards, but I love it because it's a chance to think fondly about each person on my list, even if I haven't communicated with them since last Christmas.

I finished wrapping all of the gifts earlier today and packaged up the last two boxes that have to be mailed.

Lined up all the gift bags for my groups of local friends. I guess you could say I'm an organizer.

And remember all of those little loaves I started baking a few weeks ago? I pulled out the first batch of orange loaves from the freezer to be labeled for a meeting tomorrow.

A four-pack of poinsettias from Costco provided the final decorating touches. I needed a few big shots of red, and these look so cheerful in the kitchen and at the front door.

Yesterday I attended a long-anticipated holiday concert at the Pantages Theater in Tacoma with some friends. The music was glorious, and so was the inside of the theater!

This is my friend Dawn outside of the theater. She performed with one of the choirs and invited me to attend. Thanks, Dawn!

I also checked off that hair appointment, where I got it seriously chopped for something new.

And a friend posted this on Facebook.
I thought you'd enjoy it.

 Have a colorful day


  1. Lovely post ! you are so organized.. and a thoughtful gift giver ! I too enjoy the making and writing of loads of cards and drifting back to memories and times we shared as i pen each one.
    The hand has good words !!

  2. Oh, what a delightful post! You put me in the spirit, and I hope this will be a very magical season for you! And I L O V E your hair! Want to see in front too...

  3. Wonderful post. I'm all set to write on my cards too, and got some decorations out yesterday, more to come today after I vacuum! Thank you for that picture of the Pantages. I went to many concerts there when I lived in Tacoma and as with all these old theaters, its architectural grandeur leaves one in awe and adds to the enjoyment of whatever performance you are attending. The final quotation is perfect.

  4. I love being organized but you have me beat by a mile this year! Not going to Florida, as usual, has me procrastinating!! I'm so far behind this year...maybe a good reason to tell hubby we HAVE to go to Florida each year! HA Love the haircut too!!!! Adorable!!!!! At least from what I can see!!!
