
Saturday, December 14, 2019

Moving right along

The season continues with our STITCH holiday party this past week. Every year, Karen decorates her home for us and we exchange little gifts, enjoy each other's company, have a potluck meal, and generally are warm and cozy with each other inside despite the usual rain outside.

Judy outshone us all in the clothing department with her Christmas sweater! That's Delaine's delicious quiche that she's holding. The food is always fab and so are these ladies.

I'm also making progress on the wool applique that I showed in the last post. I glue-tacked the pieces down so they would be ready for me to take to the Woolies meeting/party on Monday. That's my little sewing kit on the right with the red bird.

Here's the inside of the kit, with room for scissors, pins and needles, glue stick and embroidery thread in the pockets.

And a sweet update on the baby quilt that I showed in the last post. It arrived at its new home, and baby Adelaide is sound asleep under it!

Have a colorful day


  1. Looks like another lovely get together for you ladies... you have such a great, creative bunch to hang out with! And I love your woolies project, and the sewing kit. BTW, your new haircut is great, makes you look 10 years younger! Or maybe that's you coming out from under a cloud... think? ;-)

  2. It's great that you have a group of ladies to share your creative focus with. I have never had that and now that I am retired I keep busy doing all I wanted to do when I worked.
    Merry Christmas
    xx, Carol

  3. Well, you know I'm impressed with the food pics! And you hair is ADORABLE!!!! I just knew it would be so cute on you!!!! Baby under your quilt is so, so sweet!!!
