Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Bunners and an art show

I thought Bunners needed to get back on the blog -- it's been too long. So here she is in all her morning glory, snuggled in my robe while I check my emails. She likes to eat breakfast and then sit on my lap while I work.

Me with some of my older pieces and a Sulky Solvy scarf.
This was a busy week, including a little display of my art at a New Neighbors luncheon program. I've also included a few photos of other friends who were in the show.

Kat with her fun embroidered seasonal quilts.

Detail of Janet's magnificent crazy quilt.

Barb and her nature-inspired clay pieces,
which I've been collecting since I met her.
Hope you enjoyed the little show
and little Bunners.

 Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Beautiful! And thanks for the Bunners picture... such a sweetie!

Robbie said...

Awwwwww....we need to see 'Bunners' more often!!!! Adorable...oh yea, quilts are nice too! But Bunners...he's adorable!!