Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Saturday, December 2, 2023

California colors in the bag

I was going to do a quilt based on the colors of my California trip, then I decided a little zippered pouch would be more useful, maybe for traveling.

So I started pulling out fabric from my stash that included the colors of the trip: orange sunsets, green cypress and redwood trees, golden hills, blue ocean and skies, yellow for that yummy banana cream pie at Nepenthe.

As I started cutting and sewing, the neat piles became a tangled mess!

But it came together in a log cabin block that will always remind me of the trip.

I lined it in bright orange, which popped up everywhere on the trip.

Have a colorful day


sonja said...

those are the colors i choose often! my hand paints and batik play well together. your trip was fun to follow and sunsets your camera capture are amazing to me. aint nature grand!!

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

You always find such wonderful ways to use colors, and this is no exception!

Robbie said...

I've been lax reading I'm starting at the top of yours and working my way back! looks like you had a trip out to CA! Good for you. Can't wait to read about it!!!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Great idea for a more practical solution to making something to remind you of your great trip.

Lynda Heines said...

Love the colors and the little bag! So cheerful!