Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Back to wool applique

I took a break from my little collages to finish this wool appliqué block from Sue Spargo's Fresh Cut book. She puts 13 blocks together into one wall hanging, but I'm finishing each block as its own little hanging. So I finished this one yesterday. It has batting, but I didn't quilt it because it's so small and because I wanted to do a pillowcase turn instead of binding it.

Last night's sunset was moody, with a sliver of moon suspended high above virga -- streams of rain that didn't reach the ground. That might make a good collage!

I believe this quote is true! When I'm feeling down, I can always lift my mood by pulling out colorful fabric and doing some stitching.

 Have a colorful day


The Idaho Beauty said...

That's an unusual design for that wool applique block. I always think of wool applique as dark and earthy in palette but this very nearly looks Southwestern. I always love you stitches that get added.

The Idaho Beauty said...

P.S. I saw that quotation on line too and have been musing over it. I think "joy" is a word being overused and that if you aren't feeling joy then somehow you are failing. There ARE things that bring me joy but if feels different from the social media push for joy. "Expression" is a great way around that because it can be a full range of emotions, more real I think.