Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Summer Tucson color

But first, doesn't this bus loop sound perfect? It goes to all the places I like to visit with my friends and hits everything I look for on a vacation!

Barrel cactus flower

Even though it's been triple-digit sizzling outside, I've been getting out to walk early and enjoying the colorful flowers that thrive in our desert heat.

Texas ranger bush

Purple Texas ranger with red Mexican bird of paradise

Desert willow tree

Mexican bird of paradise

Butterfly on lantana in my front yard

Early morning walk, above, and sunset walk below

Most of the day I'm in my AC stitching on colors that I love. I'm still working on small pieces to stretch around frames. Instead of quilting, I'm embellishing with big stitches and beading. I've painted all of the fabric, which started out white.

I pulled out the cool blues for my next piece because I'm craving the cool water of a pool, lake, or the ocean. I painted these swatches about 20 years ago. I know that because they're left over from a quilt I sold at a museum fund-raiser way back when I lived in Illinois.

My parting shot is this little guy who blends perfectly in color and texture with the stucco by my front door! That spot faces west and soaks up the sun, so I'm sure he was basking in its heat.

Have a colorful day


The Idaho Beauty said...

Sign me up for your party bus! Sounds perfect to me. :-) Always amazed at the floral displays in your desert climb. You totally disrupt my stereotype of what the southwest looks like. Love what I'm seeing in your stitching on the new piece.

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Such gorgeous colors in all the flowers, sunset and your fabrics! And I love the little guy on your wall... blends in perfectly!

Pam said...

LOVE, love, love all those gorgeous colors--Sherry, your photo's are calendar-worthy--have you considered self-publishing one? I would purchase!! xx

Sherrie Spangler said...

Pam, thank you! I haven't thought about a calendar, but that would be fun.

Sherrie Spangler said...

People don't realize how lush the Sonoran Desert is compared with other deserts. It's because we have two rainy seasons -- summer monsoon and gentler winter rain.