Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Size matters!

So, after asking a couple of non-artist friends who buy art to give me an idea of how I should price my collages, I decided I needed to make them bigger. I've pulled out fabric from my painted stash to use as borders to add that size.

My original plan was to stretch them over 8x10 frames, which would make this little guy look like the top photo. But if I added more borders I could put it on an 11x14 frame and it would look like this with hardly any extra work:

Note that the border seams will be straight after they're stretched instead of wonky like in the photos.

Here's another one -- 8x10 above and 11x14 below. I think the "breathing room" in the bigger versions helps. The spider webs were done by putting a rubbing plate under the painted fabric and gently rubbing over it with Paintstiks, which are oil paint in stick form.

As you artists know, an incredible amount of work goes into painting, stamping, stitching and beading even a small piece. But when one friend suggested $50 for an 8x10 -- with me getting only half that from the gallery, as is typical -- I said there's no way I would do all that work for $25! They agreed that I could get a better price if I made them bigger, and that the bigger size would highlight the center collages better. I'll also try to sell some on my own so I can get the full price.

Your comments on this are welcome!

The buyers wouldn't know that every stab of the needle and tugging that thick thread through gives me excruciating pain in my poor arthritic thumbs! But once I start stitching it becomes addictive and I can ignore the pain.

I'm going to add some gold bugle beads radiating from the gold circle. Beading doesn't hurt nearly as much.

I still haven't decided how much to charge, given that I would only get 50% of the selling price. But the gallery owner where I sell my spirit dolls said she'd love to carry my collages, so that's encouraged me to make more. She lets the artists set their price and she's VERY supportive of us.

I've been walking in the evenings lately instead of getting out early in the morning. Even when it's 90 degrees, it's fairly pleasant when the sun is going down.

Have a colorful day

1 comment:

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Wow, I love what you're doing to enlarge the pieces! And definitely offer them directly as well as for higher prices at the gallery. I have a friend who is an amazing painter - she primarily works on smaller canvases, and you would not believe how much she can get for an 8 x 10! I'll be looking for future updates...