Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Desert door, moon and snow

I'm making progress on my desert door piece. I printed my photograph of the door on silk then painted the background piece. I used the same colors to paint a piece of silk organza and used that to frame the photograph, but since it's transparent it's a softer frame.

I fused the door and organza down and now I'm making stitching marks with two strands of embroidery floss. I want the stitching to look a little imperfect and rough to go along with the old door.

A few days ago I walked to the edge of my neighborhood and took pictures as the moon rose over Pusch Ridge while the setting soon made the rocks glow. Those are the same colors that are in my door art!

I took pictures for awhile as the moon rose higher, sun sank lower and the rocks turned different colors. I was using my iPhone, but another photographer had set up a big camera and long lens on a tripod in the middle of the street to capture the moon, so I'm sure his photos were spectacular. 

A few days later there was snow on the mountain!

And here's my little munchkin trundling along in her pink snow suit. I can't wait to visit her next month!

Have a colorful day

1 comment:

Lynda Heines said...

Your photos are amazing. Love your art and so glad you'll be back to visit the grandbabe. Happy Spring.