Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunshine in a bowl and a batik top

A yellow coiled bowl, lemon pasta and yellow watermelon are brightening my weekend while I hide inside in the AC because it's still over 100 outside.

I started the bowl because I was inspired by last week's big yellow super moon, but now I think it looks more like a bowl of sunshine. I'm coiling the fabric strips around two skinny cords (blue and red in photo) because I ran out of the thicker cording I usually use. I'll keep going until I either run out of cording or decide it's big enough.

I also made a big bowl of pasta salad, starting with the bright veggies and olives above and then adding some lovely lemon pasta and a lemon honey herb vinaigrette dressing that I concocted.

And I cut up a big bowl of yellow watermelon, cutting it into sticks instead of the usual wedges. I just started doing the stick method because it's easier to eat that way.

But the coiled bowl and fixing food weren't going to fill up the weekend, so I decided to use this gorgeous rayon batik fabric that I've had for about 20 years to make a cool, loose summer top.

And I shortened a tie-dye top that was dyed by my friend Judy in Flagstaff, who I'll be visiting this week! I'll bring you some inspiration from her studio.

Have a colorful day

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

That yellow bowl is fantastic! I would not have thought to use two skinnier cords to substitute for the usual size you use. Way to use up what you have!

That pasta salad sounds so good. Wish I could sit down with you and give it a try!

And oh my - a 20 year old fabric waiting to become something? I'm SURE I don't have anything like that lurking in my fabric stash - lol. Definitely time to get it made up into that cute blouse. As for shortening the other, I really do hate that task, have a way too long light gauzy blouse I bought several years ago to wear in summer when it might be a little cooler but when I tried it on, the length made me look so stubby! And there it hangs in my studio waiting for that bit of shortening - I guess I'm concerned that whatever I decide on the proper length won't look right either, but I've just got to do it! Thanks for the nudge.