Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Friday, May 3, 2024

Magic is all around us!

I believe there is magic all around us if we just open our eyes to it, so today I pulled out some photos that I took in the last couple of years that I think are magical.

Sunsets always blow me away, and the ones I see from my front porch since I moved to Tucson are the best. Every night it's a magical show of color and light.

And plants!
The closer I look the more unbelievable they become.

Who pulls the magic out of us better than babies in all their innocence and perfection? When I met my new granddaughter in January I couldn't stop marveling at the perfection of her tiny fingers as they grasped mine. Pure magic!

I'm always in awe when I'm out in nature and a sunbeam suddenly pierces the sky and touches the ground.

So here's wishing you a weekend of magic!

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Beautiful sentiments, gorgeous scenes of your sunsets!

sonja said...

your flowers and skies
bring joy to my eyes.
nature is redolent and surrounds us
if one takes the time to look up and around!
have a great weekend sherrie!

kearnsquilter said...

Love your pictures! I miss the desert.

Janice Smith said...

Truly a magical post!
Those sunsets are magnificent!!!
Lucky you!