Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Flagstaff Open Studios, stitching and gelato


If you're in the Flagstaff area, check out my friend Judy's fabulous dyed clothing and rope bowls at the Open Studios Tour this weekend! Every time I wear her beautiful hand-dyed dresses and tops I get compliments. She'll be in Studio 11 with a group of other great artists. I can't go because I'll be visiting my son and his wife in Madison, WI. Info:

I'm getting some stitching ready to take on my trip to work on during down time. I stamped some petroglyph figures, above, and I'll embroider them like the one below that I made ages ago. I made the stamp by using a pen to indent the lines on a styrofoam food tray, then I sponged on gold paint.

I've also been going through the pieces I made this summer and adding more touches ...


... some beads

... a stick that I painted gold

... more mesh and big stitches.

And I'm pulling out more fabric from my painted stash for the next pieces. I'm on a roll!

And then there's the gelato! Barb and I went to a Frida Kahlo themed art opening last weekend (it was too crowded to get pictures), and afterward we went to Frost for gelato. Half the fun there is looking at how beautifully the gelato is displayed. I got hazelnut chocolate and peanut crunch, and that was dinner. 

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Thank you for sharing about our Open Studios Tour! Wish you could come, but hope you have a lovely visit with your Son and DIL! Meanwhile, your amazing fabric art is always a delight to see!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Oh my gosh, I love your "food tray" stamp! And yes, you are definitely on a roll. I'm impressed with these smaller pieces and all the stitching, beading detail you are adding. Gelato for dinner? Sounds like what I do when I want a sweet treat but not sure I can afford the calories. :-)