Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wrapping up the collages

Summer is over, so I guess I should wrap up these collages that I've been playing with during the past months when it's been too hot to go outside. By wrapping them up, I mean wrapping them around 11x14-inch canvas-covered frames and stapling the edges to the back. This is a big change from my usual method of quilting them and sewing a hanging sleeve on back. I want to see if it's easier to sell them (and for more money) if they're presented like paintings.

"Web of Life" is already spoken for by a friend in Gig Harbor! I used painting, stamping, rubbing plates with oil sticks, hand stitching and beading. I like how the sides look with the painted cloth continued to the back.

"Desert Monsoon"


I'm still fussing with this one, adding a beaded belly-button, some subtle stamped spirals, and bordering it with the herringbone stitch done with pearl cotton thread. 

For the labels, I'm trying something new. I printed them all on a piece of white cotton that I backed with a full page printer label. I bought the labels years ago for this purpose and forgot about them until a few days ago. Then I cut them apart and fused them to the back of the art with Heat 'n' Bond.

Taking a cue from painters, I only included the title and my name. Then I reconsidered and printed more labels with my email, blog site and Tucson, Arizona, like quilters usually do. I couldn't decide if I should include the year, so I didn't.

In other news, I stopped at Tohono Chul gardens yesterday to buy a gift and found a group of people watching probably a hundred butterflies fluttering around a patch of pretty blue flowers called Blue Mist.

And my little flower Juniper is now trying to pull herself up to stand. And she's crawling! I'll be smothering her with kisses in Spokane in nine days and I can't wait!!!

Have a colorful day

1 comment:

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

I love your new art pieces! I hope they will sell well and encourage you to do more!