Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Friday, January 3, 2020

Welcome 2020!

A new year, a new decade, a new me!

I said goodbye to 2019 at a party with Nancy and Joyce (below) from the Feet & Forks and a houseful of other old and new friends.

The food was fabulous.

But most fabulous of all were our hosts, Barb and Paul, who have been throwing this shindig for years and thoughtfully have it end at 7 p.m. so we can all be home and in our jammies early enough to watch the ball drop in New York (9 p.m. our time) and then hit the sack.

I don't make resolutions anymore because I never keep them, but I always start out trying to eat healthier and get more exercise. So my first cooking of 2020 was roasted sweet potatoes with pecans, dried cranberries and an orange vinaigrette served with quinoa. I made enough to last several days.

And New Year's Day our endless rain was interrupted long enough to go for a three-mile sunny walk in the harbor with Nancy and Joyce.

This is the view from our walk, looking out over Commencement Bay toward Tacoma.

I'm also gearing up for my next creative challenge, which was sparked by this fabric sent to me by a very talented textile artist friend in Texas who dyed it.

Finally, this quote seemed a fitting way to say goodbye to a rough year and look forward to better times in the new year.

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

What a fun way to end the year! And your first food of the new year sounds scrumptious! Would love the recipe... hint, hint.
Of course, I love the sentiments. My hairdresser posts memes often on FB from various sources that I find inspiring, and I follow's FB page... they have some good ones. Lots of positive vibes in the world that we can tap into!
Love the fabrics, and I can't wait to see what you do with them. There can never be too much color, right? ;-)

Robbie said...

New Year celebration looked wonderful and to be surrounded by great friends, can't be beat! Still lovin that hair do!!! You look so relaxed! New you! AND that purple and hand dyed orange/red is BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't wait to see what's next!