Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Christmas cards, check


I'm so ready for this year to be over that today I ordered my Christmas cards and wrote my holiday newsletter. And I ordered winter scene stamps. And I updated my address list.

Amazon is loaded with desert cards, so it was hard to make a decision. I finally settled on the first one, with the lighted saguaro under a full moon.

Here are some of the others that caught my eye. Most of them are by Stonehouse and you can find them on Amazon by searching for desert Christmas cards.

Check out the roadrunner card. Just yesterday I took the picture of a roadrunner at Tohono Chul Park near my house! And one appeared on my courtyard wall a few days ago and looked at me for awhile, but when I raised my camera it took off.

I also was tempted to choose this one with the pink house and big prickly pear cactuses by the door. Pink walls are pretty common in Tucson, like this one at Tohono Chul:

I don't have a pink house, but I do have a giant prickly pear out front:

But saguaros are the real star of our desert -- the Sonoran Desert -- and there were plenty of cards featuring them.

I almost ordered this card that says, "Don't worry, they say it's a dry heat!" That's what all my friends said as I was leaving for Tucson. Believe me, when it's 111 degrees even a dry heat is unbearable.

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

These are all great!
I love the roadrunner photo... much closer than I've been able to get when we get one in the yard here.
We're in for some weather up here - very windy today, then rain/snow and very low temps tomorrow, only due to get up to a high of 29! Soup weather where I come from, and a good time to get the warmer blankets on the bed!
Winter is coming... ;-)

Lynda said...

Love all of these cards. They are so bright and cheery - just what we need at this time.

Robbie said...

Love the Roadrunner! Both of them! HA Your pick of Christmas card is wonderful...very good choice!!!! I still love seeing pics of your home and surroundings!

The Idaho Beauty said...

It's hard enough for me to accept the first snow of the year. I simply can't bear to think about Christmas yet (although I HAVE already purchased the annual Reed and Barton Christmas Cross as I have for many years now). In my book, there's still a lot of the year left, and I agree with the cartoon of the jack-o-lantern and the turkey telling Santa to get to the back of the line! Still, I applaud your getting ahead of the curve and I can see what a difficult time you must have had choosing among the many cards depicting Christmas where you now live. Personally, the pink house with the cactus on either side of the door is my favorite, although for fun, it's hard to beat the one of Santa struggling with the help of the reindeer to get lights on the saguaro!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Remember...we just moved to the high desert. I was so THRILLED when I saw my first road runner. Prior to that the only one I had ever seen was in Loony Tunes. I never send Christmas Cards. But your post got me to thinking that since we moved, I really should send them this year. I think sending desert cards is a wonderful idea and I will take any excuse to troll Amazon.

Stay well and be safe.
xx, Carol