Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

First quilt of the year finished

"Joyful Desert" is done and on the wall!

It's my first quilt of the new year.

Even though it's 44 inches wide, it looks small by the large fireplace and tv. But I liked doing it so much that I just might make another, bigger, one to hang in that spot.

My first quilt teacher some 30 years ago emphasized making nice labels for our quilts, so I've always given mine a name and a label. Thanks to her, I don't consider a quilt done until it has a label, a hanging sleeve, and a photo for my records.

The quilt encompasses the colors of the Tucson Sonoran Desert that I've seen since I moved here, but yesterday the desert got a new color: white snow!

The mountains surrounding the city were all dusted by snow, although most of the city just got badly needed rain. Today we're back to sunshine.

Have a colorful day


Robbie said...

Your 'first' of the new year turned out great!!!! I love the colors and it does look good on your wall! Happy to share some of our snow with you!!! Thanks!

The Idaho Beauty said...

So pretty on your couch. It could live there after the bigger one takes its place ;-) This is a great start to the year.

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Good job! More color, always welcome! When I was making art quilts I also labeled and added the sleeve... hard to believe I made my first one about 14 years ago! Time flies...

pkbinns said...

You are inspiring me Sherrie. This looks like a pattern I’d consider making. And I have so much unused fabric I wouldn’t even have to buy any. Love your colors and the quilting you did on it. Plus good reminder to always label our quilts.