Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Monday, August 8, 2022

Surgery and more storm damage

I'm back home from my shoulder surgery after spending four days at Nancy and Don's house being pampered. It was so nice being fed, having my own comfy room, and having their company. After three years of living alone, I felt like I was part of a family and it was really nice. Plus their little dog, Charlie, was my buddy.

Here I am having my first meal after surgery, learning to eat soup with my left hand. It actually went a lot better than I expected! It was a savory Italian soup with beer bread. Yum!

And here is my pillow nest! I had to keep my shoulder elevated and this worked perfectly. I could've slept in their recliner, but I liked my nest better. I haven't had ANY pain and haven't had to take the narcotics that were prescribed, only Tylenol and Ibuprofen.

This morning, before Nancy brought me home, I got my first ride in a golf cart as we toodled down to the clubhouse in Sun City for breakfast.

But it wasn't all fun and games. We continued to have monsoon rain every day and Nancy's brand new roof leaked, bubbling out the wall paint and flooding the hallway and the carpet at the entrance to my bedroom. They just bought the house two months ago! So now she's dealing with that.

And I'm dealing with the big tree that fell down in my yard while I was away. Fortunately it didn't damage anything and is in the back yard, not the front. Best of all, I just read on Facebook that the zoo will take away downed trees to feed to their elephants! I have to take some pictures and fill out a form to see if they're interested in this one. That would save me the money I'd have to pay to have it hauled away and would help the animals.

Last, this is the view from the Walgreen's parking lot in Oro Valley yesterday. Gorgeous!

Have a colorful day


sonja said...

SO glad your recovery is going good and you have friends to help out with your first days as an out patient. i hope the zoo can use your fallen tree for pachyderm fodder. take care Sherrie.

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Oh, no... I am so sorry to hear of the damage to your friend's home! And sorry about your tree, but how great that the Zoo might be able to put it to use.
Are you going to be able to get around with your shoulder in a sling like that? I can't imagine you can drive, grocery shop or even do things around the house while you're like that!