Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cider donuts and quotes

Imagine my excitement when I got this message from my son and daughter-in-law! Every fall they go to Edwards Apple Orchard in Illinois and get freshly made cider donuts. This year Keith packed up a dozen on Saturday and they arrived still fresh on my doorstep on Monday. I finished the last one today, dunking it in my coffee.

Outside, the lengthening morning shadows in my yard indicate that we're tilting toward winter and the dark, rainy season. I must make the most of every sunny, crisp fall day.

Now for some quotes. I'm working hard at these first two in the ongoing creation of my new life as a single woman.

But I think I need to incorporate this last one into my plan.

Have a colorful day


Robbie said...

Heavy quotes...but good to have them for inspiration!!!! Love the donuts! I actually went to our orchard about 2 miles from the house but only bought apples to make a pie! Guess I might have to make another visit!

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Definitely enjoy every moment of sunlight while you can! And I love your quotes, and the delicious humor of the last one. What a lovely "care" package you got! Bet they tasted yummy...

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I have always said I hate the fall and I hate winter. But guess what, every single year those two seasons come again. What does that MEAN?? I guess it means that I can't control every aspect of my life but I do the best I can. I guess my thinking goes along with the first meme. The last one made me smile. One thing I can tell you is that I have been married for 48 years and I am too naive to every want to deal with spending time with another man.

Nice for you to get those donuts!! I don't really eat donuts. But I love cookies!!

Have a nice weekend.
xx, Carol

Lynda said...

Glad you got that yummy care package. Such a thoughtful son! Love the quotes especially the first one which I remember using at a difficult time in my life. Also, love the last one with the humor!