Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Monsoon color

Monsoon storm over Tucson last month. 
Photo by the University of Arizona.

Our summer monsoon storms have been rolling in regularly, so I thought it would be fun to post storm photos interspersed with some of my quilts that have been inspired by storms.

I snapped the golden sunset last night as localized rain fell in various spots around town. And the quilt below, "Desert Rain," has a golden sunset in the middle. I made this one 20 years ago when I lived in Illinois shortly after moving from El Paso where the dramatic desert storms trailed streamers of rain tangled with lightning,  sunlight and wind ... 

...  like these streamers of rain during last night's sunset.

In the desert people come out of their houses and celebrate during rain storms, which gave me the inspiration for "Rain Dance." Chances of a rainbow are always good.

"House on the Water" is what happens during floods but without the increased price of waterfront property.

This little quilt was in response to a hurricane in either Texas or Louisiana (can't remember for sure) that resulted in streams of cars fleeing the cities on highways that had all been opened to northbound traffic. This is an aerial view of the traffic surrounded by flooding.

A compilation of last week's stormy skies.

"Tornado Warning" was my response to being in a tornado warning in northern Illinois that resulted in several touchdowns very close to my home. The sky was an eerie green and purple.

More color from last week's alternating storms and sun.

Last night my solar lanterns cast swirling patterns of light and shadows while far off over the Tucson Mountains to the west dark clouds floated over the last traces of sunset.

 Have a colorful day


The Inside Stori said...

Love the weather education you just provided....I had no idea about the rain storms you have there. AND of course love seeing all your quilts!!

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

I love your quilts, especially "Rain Dance"! I've always loved that one... and thank you for sharing your wonderful photos - as usual, beautiful!