Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Stormy weather, a basket and a blanket


Our monsoon storms have been blowing in regularly with dramatic skies but lots of tree damage and power outages. It's not good to be out of power in triple digit temps, but luckily mine has only flickered so far. The top photo is looking at a sunrise from my dining room a few days ago.

These luscious orange and pink skies are sunset colors reflected in that same eastern sky.

We also had rainbows two nights in a row arcing over my house (on the left). Notice that my tree has been trashed by the wind and I need to have the broken branches removed. This is the third time in a month that that tree has been damaged by monsoon winds. This is my fourth summer monsoon season and it's the first time that tree has been hit.

Yesterday as I was driving home from Mahjongg, I stopped to snap pictures of the darkening eastern sky shortly before the winds howled and rain lashed several parts of town, downing 40 power poles and leaving tens of thousands without power. Some still don't have electricity. That's really unsafe in this hellishly hot weather.

I'm spending most of my time inside where it's cool, and yesterday I finished this coiled tray. I put a dent in my green strips and would've used more except I ran out of the rope that the fabric is wrapped around.

In other crafting news, my daughter and Charlie the cat show their appreciation for the cuddly, sweet blanket that my friend Pat crocheted for her -- one for Julia and one for the baby (due in January). Thanks, Pat!!! The blankets will be treasured for many years to come.

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Wow, sorry to hear about the tree damage! We have had some wind casulties and I just had a guy come and remove the broken branches on 2 of them. I sure hope your power holds up. Might be time to think about a backup generator...

Ooh, like your green tray, very nice! Time to order more rope, that's for sure!

Lovely sunset pictures! I tried to get pix of 6 elk in the yard this morning, but didn't have the camera set for distance... I'll know better if they show up again!

Stay cool, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

The Idaho Beauty said...

The only thing not "cool" about this post is your terrible weather. Love that platter and what a cool pattern in those crocheted blankets - nice colors too.

Looks like your neighbor's tree took a hit as well. And how did I miss that you had these mountainous cliffs right behind your house?

Here's hoping your electricity and a/c hold out. I've lived without a/c during 90 to over 100 degree stretches and it ain't pretty. You can get sick pretty fast.

The Inside Stori said...

Stunning scenery!!!