Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Threads at The West

I just found an amazing needlework store in Tucson! And even better, it's a nonprofit (no sales tax) that gives all proceeds to local organizations helping women and children in need.

It's called The West, and I can't wait for some of my sewing friends to visit this winter and go to it with me.

I bought the perle cotton embroidery threads above to finish my wool appliqué below.

The West has every imaginable type of decorative threads.

It also has needlework patterns and kits ...

... and a huge selection of cards and colorful gifts.

I put the finishing touches on my appliqué piece today. It's from Sue Spargo's "Fresh Cut" book. The pattern includes 11 blocks set into a wall quilt, but I'm finishing three of them as individual pieces and will sew the other eight into a smaller quilt.

And remember ...

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Wow, looks like you definitely found the Mother lode! I love to see your applique... so colorful and beautifully embellished! Looking forward to seeing the other pieces as you finish them. Happy stitching!

Robbie said...

Your wool applique is wonderful! What a 'find' in that store and for it to be a non profit to boot! Win/Win!!

Mcirishannie f/k/a quilt til you wilt said...

Love your quote and needed to hear that as I have done nothing needle 🪡 related in a month. Catching up with you has my fabric mojo humming again. Thanks for your colorful post