Friday, April 28, 2023
Challenge quilt

Thursday, April 27, 2023
I can hear!
Monday, April 24, 2023
Boyce Thompson Arboretum
I went to the most amazing arboretum yesterday -- the Boyce Thompson Arboretum way north of Tucson out in the middle of the "desert" by the Superstition Mountains.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Books and baskets
These past two days have been all about books and baskets (and bargains).
Yesterday AND today I went to the Friends of Oro Valley Library's spring book sale where I scooped up all of these books plus a CD for $30! That's six big cookbooks, three Southwest nature books, a Southwest travel book, a humor book for women, three cozy mysteries by one of my favorite cozy authors (Ellie Alexander) and a CD of music from the Grand Canyon.
The next basket that he's holding is a Man In the Maze pattern and was made by a Pima Indian. The design represents a person's journey through life, with the twists and turns representing choices that make the person more understanding and stronger.
He was very knowledgeable about the plants used to weave the baskets, including willow, yucca, cat's claw, bear grass and many more. I didn't take notes, but he also explained how the plants are prepared and what the designs mean. He's known many of the basket makers since the 1970s when he began collecting. It was fascinating, and the skills shown were amazing. Such intricate details and such artistry.
Unfortunately, he said traditional basket making is a dying art because the artists can only make about $1 an hour for their labor while they could make many times that much flipping burgers at a fast-food chain.
This two-foot tall "olla" (water or food carrier), is an early Apache basket from 1890-1900. It was priced at $12,000, a bit out of my reach but a joy to look at.
The talk was on the patio at the National Parks Store in Oro Valley on a beautiful day. I snapped this picture of the spring plants in front of the parking lot.
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Out of the basket, onto the couches!
I was rummaging around under my craft table yesterday looking for something else when I came across a big basket of jelly roll quilts and a few others that I had made over the years and then forgotten about! I decided they needed to see the light of day, so now they're draped over my couches and a rocking chair.

Cactus flowers