Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Peeps, car repairs and hearing aids


Peeps! I decorated my chocolate Easter cake with marshmallow bunnies and chicks and took it to a friend's Easter dinner. The Peeps were delicious! I hadn't had one since buying them for my kids' Easter baskets decades ago.

That's the good news. The bad news is that my 12-year-old car is in the shop for $6,000 worth of repairs (engine oil leak and suspension problems). Most of the cost is labor to take the engine apart. They loaned me a new Toyota Rav4 to cushion the blow. Oh well, it's cheaper than buying a new car.

And the bad/good news is that I had my hearing tested today after years of having to say "What?" and turning the TV volume way up and relying on closed captions. The bad part is that I found out I have moderate to severe loss of clarity in both ears and also loss of volume. The good part is that my insurance covers most of the cost of a good pair of hearing aids, which I'll get in two weeks. Anyone care to share POSITIVE hearing aid stories?

I don't have pictures of the car or hearing aids, but I did take pictures of my tangerine cross vine, which burst into bloom last week.

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Oh dear... sorry to hear about the car! I hope it comes back with a long healthy life left after the repairs!
As for the hearing, I don't have any personal experience with them, but do hope you like what you end up with. Keep us posted on all fronts, okay? Meanwhile, your peeps cake looks yummy!

Jody said...

Sorry about the car (I had to sink a fair bit of change into Lucille, my 15 yr old Yaris last week), but as you say, cheaper than buying a new car.
And the hearing loss. I have moderate to severe loss in one ear, mild loss in the other. Waiting for an MRI to see why I have differential hearing loss and will get a hearing aid following that. Being in Canada, and the fact that this is definitely non-emergent, I suspect I have a good long while to wait yet (only been 1 year so far).
I hope your car provides you great service for a good number of years before it has to go to the car graveyard. Fingers crossed Lucille does that for me as well.
What a beautiful array of flowers! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos!

Susan Sawatzky said...

Sherrie, I've been wearing hearing aids for 2 years and am very happy with them. I would say, you'll be startled at all you've been missing and some sounds you'll hear you may wish you couldn' water swishing into a sink, crinkly things like paper, tin foil...

Don't be tempted not to wear them. My doc says hearing deteriorates faster if you don't train your brain, so wear them every day.

Any questions after you get them, just ask.

Susan Sawatzky

Sherrie Spangler said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. Jody, I hope everything goes well with your hearing tests and that your car gives you many more good years! Susan, I'm glad to see that you like your hearing aids and I can't wait to find out what I've been missing.

Lynda Heines said...

Sherrie, Do you have one of those boosters on your TV? We bought one several years ago and it has helped. Dave just got a hearing aid and he's had no trouble adjusting. Now his hearing (or not hearing me) is selective! I was told I had hearing loss and I needed one several years ago but I don't see the need yet. My main problem is in a loud environment but then it's hard for anyone to hear there. But I'm sure it's only time and I'll be getting one too. Sorry about your car but as you said, it's cheaper than a new one. Love the peeps!!