Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Spirit doll sisters

I just finished two more spirit dolls cut from the collaged fabric that I showed in my last post. They're sisters cut from the same cloth!

I gave each one a goddess necklace and am calling them "Sunrise Sunset Goddesses."

It was fun pulling out fancy pink/orange/yellow/purple yarns and feathers for embellishment. And goddess knows I had plenty of beads to choose from for the eyes and necklaces. I also embellished with metallic gold thread tails.

Even the sky got in the spirit a few days ago with a pink/purple display of a rainbow at sunset behind my house.

The monsoon weather continues,

with rain nearly every day. 

I took the photo above last night of clouds piled over Pusch Ridge behind my house. The photo below is the same area this morning. The weather service is predicting citywide flooding today, and the entire state of Arizona is under a flood advisory.

Despite the rain, I aim to:

Hop over to Nina-Marie's blog to see what other fabric artists have been creating this week:  quilting-and-motivation-on-off-wall.html

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

I love the Sisters! I would really love to see your whole collection together... hint, hint! As for the weather, maybe you nee a rain goddess and a sunshine one too - you could switch them depending on the weather, tee-hee!

Robbie said...

And you certainly did make your day amazing! Love your spirit dolls!!! You are certainly busy, busy!!!! Still can't get over your pics of the greenery surrounding you!! Just hopey you don't wash away!!!