Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Today was a scorcher!

It was HOT today! It felt like a blast furnace when I went out this afternoon to check the mail, although it was quite pleasant this morning sitting in the shade of the front courtyard listening to the birds.

I took these sunset photos tonight
from the same courtyard. 

Here are some plants in the courtyard. Does anyone know what the skinny stick-like plant is?

After I watched the sunset,
I went around to the back
to watch the moonrise.

My little lady looks very peaceful
in her new desert home. 

While keeping cool inside this afternoon, I tested the oven on some chocolate espresso cookies. Now my life is complete.

 Have a colorful day


sonja said...

Oh, those cookies look scrumptious!!!! This morning i watched the moon set, that large super flower moon, into the ocean about 5:30 am. Big and round and mango color she was and since i sleep so weirdly as of late, i just might see her again tomorrow ...
Look at the moon. no doubt the cats will join me!!

Lynda said...

Holy Moly! That is hot, hot, hot, while I'm freezing here! Beautiful shots and those cookies. OMG! Yum!

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Yep, it gets hot down there, which is why I'm north of you! Stay inside during the heat of the day and you'll be okay, and thank goodness for A/C! Love your yard shots, and have seen your mystery plant, just don't know its name. Probably you could find out at a nursery. Bet there's a book somewhere on native plants. Yes, the moon is beautiful these past few days... I see it when I open the door to let the cat out in the morning. Huge! And your cookies look waaaay too yummy to last long... enjoy!

Gerrie said...

i don't know if I could survive in that heat, but it is a dry heat, right!! LOL That plant looks like Horsetail, but I am not sure. My son planted it in our yard in Santa Rosa.

lorrwill said...

Ending on a chocolate note! :-)
I think your summers will outdo mine. We are nowhere near triple digits yet. I gather those stick things are some kind of cacti. I envy you getting to learn new native plants, see new skies, etc. how fun!

Robbie said...

Would you believe we had snow showers about 35 min. ago!!!! Of course, they are gone now..after all, it is 43 degrees! HA I love seeing your life...and AZ is one of my most favorite places!!!!! Enjoy!!!!

Robbie said...

Oh, and cookies look FANTASTIC!!!! HA