Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Orange bowl finished!

I finished the big bright orange bowl and put sunglasses on for its photo.

I ended it by coiling the tail around a big button and tying the button on with heavy blue and orange threads. I hand stitched the tail to the bowl because I wasn't sure if glue would hold up.

Here are the first three of the Big Bowl series. I plan to make more and hope I can find a gallery or other shop to sell them here because shipping them would cost a lot due to their size, although they're very lightweight. The orange one is 16 inches in diameter and six inches high, so that would require a big high-postage box and might discourage people from ordering them.

UPDATE: A friend in Washington is buying all three bowls!!! Thank you Janet from the bottom of my heART!!!

I also prepped the canyon quilt for quilting (with gold thread). I tacked on the little bits of fabric, feathers and yarn with dabs of fabric glue (the pink glue pen in the photo). The yellow bowl holds the snippets until they get arranged -- had to take a picture because the colors work so well together!

Then I covered everything with Sulky Solvy ...

... and pin basted the quilt sandwich. The Solvy will allow me to do the quilting without the foot snagging on anything. Then I'll tear the Solvy off rather than washing it out because I don't want the quilt to get all rumpled from washing.

Have a colorful day

1 comment:

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

First off, WOW! The bowls all came out so gorgeous, but I especially love the colors in the latest one. They are so large! We'll have to have a confab on how you worked with them that large!

Your quilt project looks like fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. It's been awhile since I used solvy on a project... never thought to tear it off, but I can understand why you want to do it with all the snippets you are adding... might not hold up if washed out. Fun projects!